Cub Scout CommunicationsEveryone leads busy lives these days. So when you need to get a message out to Parents or Cubs, consider the various communications channels available in terms of effectiveness and expediency.
Keep your audience and objectives in mind as you craft your message. Are you trying to get through to active, antsy boys...or adults? Be clear about actions required and deadlines. Remind parents that most information is posted on our Cub Scout website if they are unable to remember details from meetings or find emails in their crowded inboxes. |
Using HKIS Newsletters to Communicate About Pack ActivitiesIf you are interested in including a blurb about an upcoming Cub Scout activity in the HKIS Lower Primary Newsletter, After School Activities section, please work through our designated Cub Scout coordinator, Stella, who will put all Cub Scout info together and sent it to Teresa Wright at [email protected]
Content is required on Monday at least 1 week prior to when you want the information posted. Please include the Activity Name, Date, Location, Action Required and Contact Information. Upper Primary, Middle School, and High School Newsletters may also be utilized working through our Cub Scout Coordinator.