- Supervise pack committee operation by presiding at pack leaders' meetings; assigning duties to committee members; planning for pack charter review, roundup, and re-registration.
- Conduct the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.
- Complete pack committee Fast Start Training and Basic Leader Training for the position.
- Ask the committee to assist with recommendations for new Leaders as needed. Recognize the need for more dens, and see that new dens are formed as needed.
- Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects so the pack can earn money for materials and equipment.
- If the Cubmaster is unable to serve, assume active direction of the pack until a successor is recruited and registered.
- Develop and maintain strong pack-troop relationships, sharing with the troop committee the need for graduations into the troop.
- Support the policies of the BSA.
- Attend Monthly Leaders Meeting, Monthly Pack Meeting.
- Around 3 hours per week or more depending on desired level of involvement.